FOCS 2013
54th Annual IEEE Symposium on
Foundations of Computer Science

October 27–29, 2013
DoubleTree Hotel at the Berkeley Marina, Berkeley, California

FOCS'13 Program Committee

Program Committee:

Alexandr Andoni Microsoft Research Silicon Valley
Maria-Florina Balcan Georgia Institute of Technology
Kenneth L. Clarkson IBM Research – Almaden
Moritz Hardt IBM Research – Almaden
Johan Håstad KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Nicole Immorlica Microsoft Research New England and Northwestern
Yuval Ishai Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Yael Tauman Kalai Microsoft Research New England
Tali Kaufman Bar Ilan University
Jonathan Kelner MIT
Adam Klivans University of Texas at Austin
Amit Kumar Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
Yury Makarychev Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Raghu Meka IAS, Princeton and DIMACS, Rutgers
Peter Bro Miltersen University of Aarhus
Seffi Naor Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
Harald Räcke TU München
Omer Reingold Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, Chair
Mohit Singh Microsoft Research Redmond
Madhu Sudan Microsoft Research New England
Paul Valiant Brown University
Virginia Vassilevska Williams UC Berkeley and Stanford
John Watrous University of Waterloo